These little eye idols are starting to take shape and take on a life of their own. I think I may have populated them too densely - but I will think on it another night. I sometimes just like things to sit and think about it for awhile- plus another panel will go in as well.
I thought I should update my teaching arrangements in Europe for next year. I have made links for all the contacts if you are interested in attending- you can email them or make contact visa a website.
19 February- 19 March I shall be in Syria installing Sense of Place and being in attendance to do demonstrations and other things.
Then from 20 March until 10 May I will be in France, the Netherlands and England as follows:
24 March until 9 April, I will be at Le Palaiseau atr the 6th Internationsl Patchwork Art Textile. I shall also be
teaching there( I will check the dates) I will also be giving a lecture. The workshops is what Smaranda mentioned in her comments on my previous post. Be sure to go and check
Smaranda's own work- she makes wonderful things!
April 10 I will be teaching a Patchwork group close to le Palaiseau- free machine quilting (doing smaples from my book Seventy Two Ways). My contact for both events is Christine Moulin.
April 16-19 I shall be teaching at the Stofmeid in Borger Drenthe as follows;
April 16 Tranfer Printing and stitching
April 17-18 Inspiration in Frabircation- making an original piece
April 19 Nature as Inspiation- Borger is a lovely atmospheric village so we will be using the environment as inspiration to make a small piece or several.
April 23 - 26 I will be teaching close to
Le Mans
Day 1 Dyeing fabric
Day 2 Using various printing techniques to create your own fabric
Days 3-4 Using the fabrics made on the previous days, creating your own original art piece.
Sometime between 26 April- 4 May I will be teaching near Narbonne( Salleles d'Aude) at
Centre Europeen du Patchwork.
5-6 May I will be in England teaching at Sew Creative at Wroxham Barns ( near Norwich)
If you are interested in any of these workshops you can email me by going to my profile- my address is there and I can give you the email address for my contacts.
I will return o home on 10 May. I shall be taking my youngest daughter with me so we hope to see a little of France and Spain.