However I recently received Sandra Meech's new book Creative Quilts; Inspiration, Textures & Stitch published by Batsford and there is plenty of things to mull over and be inspired by. Sandra says of her book on her website ( which I have linked)"My new book is devoted to exploring creativity from the first ideas to the finished piece taking inspiration from contemporary art, architecture and world textiles and includes new techniques for texture using tyvek and wireform. Throughout the book there will be a closer look at design and composition, and with additional workshops and a whole chapter devoted to sketchbooks....there is something for everyone. "
I was delighted that Sandra had asked me if she could include "If Hundertwasser Had Lived in the Otways" for the book and I am really happy with the colour production of it in the book.Sandra's blurb says it all. It is a great resource for those embarking on the art path, but there is plenty of ideas, inspirations and wonderful photographs for those further along the path . There are some good ideas for working up your thinking of your work and adding layers of depth/meaning to your researches. The signed book is available form Sandra's website. I also have Sandra's first book ( Contemporary Quilts:Design,Surface and Stitch) and I have to say hers are amongst the few quilt books I actually have- my library leans to textiles and the history of textiles and art.