Yesterday as i was driving to Zeeuws Vlaanderen I was listening to BBC Radio which had two reports on the crisis in Palestine . Government workers have now not been paid for 3 months- still they go to work. Medicines are running out in hospitals. They are being starved.This impasse has to be resolved in some way other than starving people.It is a siege- a resort to medieval practices.And should Hamas recant as is demanded what then?
You cannot simply ignore 3.5 million people and pretend they are not there. I feel so powerless- any money that could be raised won't get in- effectively blocked by the economic embargo. I could say email your government representatives- but so many of those kind of protests seem to fall on deaf ears.
I see more artists challening widely held views and beliefs , using their art to speak and address issues.Ëarlier this year I sort of formulated a peace project in my head- an idea where all artists who wanted peace - created or used a box of standard postal size and somehow changed the outside in their own expressive way but with the concept peace formost in mind- and all such boxes to be delivered to museums of modern art around the world on the same day- so that the postal service would become the installation carrier and the museum delivery area the ïnstallation - to be photographed simultaneously with the photographs being the record. Could we do such a thing? Perhaps a box would be regarded as suspicious but letters would not have the same impact- anyway i have to go pack for my drive to paris tomorrow and my flight home- and see my family - yay! I have the superlative joy of seeing my family- many do not.
I think I have listened to the same programm. It is such a shame these things are happening in a so called civilized world. I'll try to contact A.I. of which organisation I am a member for more than 28 years. Probably they know something to do. I keep you informed.
Be carefull, have a good trip home. Big hug.
I am sure you have seen things that most of us only dream of.
Safe journey home and will be watching your blog.
Is that it for you for traveling for a while then?
"i have to go pack for my drive to paris tomorrow and my flight home- and see my family - yay! I have the superlative joy of seeing my family- many do not."
Not to mention the freedom to come and go.....this has GOT to stop. I do not understand how the government of Saudi Arabia is ok but not Palestine! I can't speak about other countries but I sure am tired of how hypocritical the US government is.
"i have to go pack for my drive to paris tomorrow and my flight home- and see my family - yay! I have the superlative joy of seeing my family- many do not."
Not to mention the freedom to come and go.....this has GOT to stop. I do not understand how the government of Saudi Arabia is ok but not Palestine! I can't speak about other countries but I sure am tired of how hypocritical the US government is.
I like the idea of your peace project (a box filled with 'peace art'. Keeps us informed, please.
Best wishes, Mirjam
I like your peace project idea. The box instead of a letter is a good one. We could have a label that says, "box is filled only with peace" or some such. Keep talking about it, I'm interested.
Maybe when Hamas stops targeting Israeli schoolgirls for death, peace can begin. If Hamas lays down their weapons today, there is no more war. Israel lays down its weapons today, there is no more Israel. That is the difference, and the US is not to blame. Hamas and radical Islam is.
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