Less Successful
This is another piece I painted which I don't like too much- too much like a rainbow! And yes it is a scrape back method, but the underlying colour is very important and so is its placement. I have a few ideas I want to explore but tonight we have to go to Gembrook so it will have to wait another day or two.
I tried dyeing a piece of muslin, for the Rhythm & Blues competition for Val d'Argent,and whilst I achieved a rhythm in the dyeing , I don't like the colour and I don't think it is something I can work with. I used pegs on fold lines to create and undulating rhythm in the cloth- oh well another thing learnt....

I get why you don't like this one so much, but there are some interesting things going on there and I bet it would look good cut into smaller pieces.
I think this looks like a textile ballet....it dances..Ginger
I think its lovely.
I'll trade you something since you don't seem to like this one! I find it wonderfully complex, yet beautifully simple. If you cut it and use it "artfully" I'm sure you will find many great places for it to sing! And if you really don't like it, I'm serious about trading!
Pat in NJ
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