Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I would post a photo but unfortunately at the internet cafe I am at, I cannot load photos. But just wanted to mention that my exhibition Caravanserai is now installed at:
Quilt Et Textilkunst
Christine Koehne
Sebastiansplatz 4
80331 Muenchen

The exhibition will run until 26 September.I wanted four more quilts but I could not manage it, but as the exhibition has been invited to be shown in Australia in February 2009 at the AQC I will make the quilts I had planned. I finished the stitching on the travellers blanket and decided to leave the edges unfinished- scarey but I did like the way it looked when it was hung.

I am now staying in a mountain village in Switzerland-Agra - just behind Lugano, which is a delightful place, alas all my Italian seems to have deserted me.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the exhibition! Will there be an opening? (My German is almost non-existent.) I'd like to mention it to my husband's cousin living there. Have a wonderful time in your mountain village retreat!

Kristin L said...

I love mountain villages in Switzerland!

I wish I were still in Germany as I would hop on a train to Munich to see your exhibit. I have never been to Quilt&TextileKunst though it was always on my list.

I'm sure none of the viewers will miss the quilts you didn't make, but it's super for you that you will get the chance to flesh out the exhibit eventually.

Good luck on some sales in Munich, and a wonderful show!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for the Caravanserai; Unfortunately I cannot go to see it.
Catherine G 78

jude said...

best wishes and wish i could be there.

Digitalgran said...

Have a lovely time at Carrefour! I shall have you all in my thoughts.

Jackie said...

Wonderful..Lugano is fantastic. You really are itenerant!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dijanne, last week I was in Munich and was lucky to see the Exibiton of your works at Quiltundtextilkunst - I was really overwhelmed ! Your art of quilting is fantastic. I took your CD with the workshop about Lutradur and at the end of the week I find your book on the European Quiltmeeting in Alsaque in France, unfortunately I don´t understand french.Is there a possibility to get the english text ?
Many many greetings from Germany

Alison Schwabe said...

Best wishes for the continued success of your exhibition, Dijanne. Wish I could see it somewhere; I don't thi8nk i will be going through Melbourne in february.

Talking of the edges of the blanket being unfinished and a bit scary therefore - I know exactly the feeling! 2 of 3 very new works I just completed and entered in a major exhibition opp are all threads hanging loose and unfinished edges, some would say 'a bit rough looking'... at times it is OK if it is essential to the integrity of a work. so, of course it was in the case of your travellers blanket, right?