Here is another sample I made using the same motifs- and i think it was the colour of the previous one that was suggestive of aboriginal dot painting.
I will be making more of these- exploring the cross and circle as a means of expression- X marks the place , X is the signature of a person without writing, X is the cross stitch, X is the mark.Open circles have always meant family for me, i am not sure where that idea came from, perhaps I read something somewhere, it is also about cells and life, circles or noughts are about noughts and crosses, and about nought.
This sample is 13 3/4 " square- I meant to make it exactly the same size as the previous square. I intend tomake a lot of these so that they will form an installation. These two are for sale, if anyone is interested $75 US inclusive of postage.
Ohh and don't forget my book Seventy Two Ways not to Stipple or Meander is still available- I have had more printed up and getting very positive feedback about it :-). Here is the information again:
Seventy Two Ways Not to Stipple or Meander ( Ideas for Free Machine Quilting). You can see the stitching and the thread count of the fabric I quilted- so the detail is good..
Anyway if you are interested in the CD it will be a pdf document( so you will need Acrobat Reader or other pdf reading program) of the booklet( it's morte of a book with 81 pages and it is spiral bound) email me. In Australia I can be paid by cheque or postal order- for overseas orders I can be paid with Paypal.
So the costings are as follows
For Australia:
CD is $20AUD inclusive of postage.
Book is $25AUD inclusive of postage.
For all other places( Worldwide)
CD is $25 AUD ( $15USD, 12 Euro, 8.50 pounds sterling) inclusive of postage
Book is $30 AUD ( $23 USD, 18 Euro, 12 pounds sterling) including postage
I like this piece too...but one thing I prefer about the first piece is the track running through the middle, the shapes are different and it adds more interest to me.
I love both pieces - each offers a friendship, reaching out to the viewers heart, whispering to the soul. I'm so amazed that the choice of different colours can bring such different impressions to the view. The piece in this post, made me just go WOW - like looking in close detail at a sea, full of planktons going their way; or of cells under the microscope. Congratulations on very moving work. Veronicah
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