Today the wind is blowing a gale and dust and sand is coming in from the desert- but Egypt won their semi final in the Africa's cup football match so the beeping of horns and estatic fans celebrating lasted well into the morning hours.
Today we pull down the Across Australia exhibition ready for it snext leg of travelling. If anyone would like a catalogue they are $25 AUS ( $20 US/20 Euros) inclusive of postage. I am not carrying these back to Australia they are too heavy.It is in full colour and showcases all 28 quilts.
We went to Bub Zuwela and the dyers Khan the day before yesterday. They were dyeing the most gorgeous blue in the dyers Khan as you can see from the photos ( and you can click on the collages and get larger versions) as well as orange and brown.The conditions for working are quite atrocious as you can see but the product is beautiful- like so much in Egypt.
I am fascinated by the mobile food carts and the beautifully stacked fruit stalls- these are often a riot of colour in a city that is dusty and is largely dust col0ured . Kushari is often the food prepared in these carts- a mixture of macaroni, rice , vermicelli, lentils and chick pies topped with deep fried onion and a tomato sauce.
And then there is chairs- there are many chairs in stalls and out on the street - to sit and drink tea, and when you go to a stall chairs materialise form nowhere so that you sit and have tea- you pass the time of day before the serious businessof buying occurs and then there is the nargilehs which are often beside the chairs.
Fantastic photos, as ever. I love in particular the chair with the circle on the seat, and the food cart with the eye - warding off evil eyes I presume.
THe images you are posting of this trip are really amazing: thanks for sharing your visit with us all. I would have thought there could be a potential for publishing your photojournal with comments because the images and observations are so interesting and inspirational. Thanks!
I would like a catalogue too please, how can I pay given my home currency is £.Best wishes for the rest of the trip. Thank you
Hai, I've been there more than 25 years ago. It looks still the same. But then I did not know the importancy for the people there. I looked with different eyes. Please enjoy the rest of your stay. Love to Celeste.
Ina Klugt.
Dijanne, I know your name and work, but today, I was on your blog and site, for the first time , I have seen your work inspired by Chassy where I was for past exhibitions; I had not seen these wall hangings before; I was happy and interested. Thanks you for sharing these pictures.
anne Gailbhaud
Dijanne, with the amazing everyday images you have taken combined with your descriptive notes, you make it easy to imagine the sights you have seen and experienced. Since finding your website within the last week, I keep coming back to it for the next instalment. Your expertise and energy are remarkable. Thank you for sharing this experience. RosB
many of your photos remind me of Marrakesh, I did a couple of walking trips in the Atlas mountains in the 1990's, feeling a longing to return, remember the dyers well and the food market in the square, thanks for the photos and reviving memories,
Wonderful pictures, so alive with colour, will enjoy reading the report of your journey
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