Summer is decidedly cool and wet this year- a relief after the bushfire summer in the east of Australia last year but not very friendly for growing some vegetables that like the hot weather. Everything seems late this year, although usually things are a bit more advanced in the city, and well the zucchinis are only pushing out one or two a week and eggplants are only now flowering. Hope it warms up a bit for the rest of this month and March. It is however wonderful to have fresh tomatoes every day, I am in tomato heaven but whether I will get a zillion to process I am not so sure. I tried a few different varieties this year but the romas are like cocktail size- I am sure I sowed full sized roma's, and the Rouge de Marmande is far from early, but setting lots of decent sized tomatoes.

Anyway I am glad I am not feeding a whole family, but on the other hand there is plenty of fresh vegies ofr one person and the green climbing beans have gone completely mad and I am getting a few sunflowers even though the snails feasted on the seedlings when they first popped up.
My on-line classes have been going well and I will schedule some more for early to mid March . There are Paypal buttons on my on-line class button which you can find here
On-Line Classes. There is descriptions of the classes and prices on that page. I will run both the Tifaifai Class and the Linocutting Class. Will provide exact dates in the near future. Some wonderful designs have been made in the Tifaifai class that is currently running. By enrolling know that you are supporting an artist and hopefully you will learn some wonderful new techniques!
It looks like I may have some in the flesh teaching at Torquay late in April. Very disappointed that Grampians Textures in March was cancelled but do understand the dilemna the organisers faced in the face of Covid restrictions and the logistics of on again off again border closures. Hopefully the Slow Stitch gathering in NSW in late March will go ahead- I won't know myself travelling more than 200 kms.
Still walking most mornings in the little bush reserve near my home, I feel very fortunate to have something so lovely very close by- it is like losing yourself in another world for a part of each day.
I love how the Nardoo looks in the dappled light and how the reflections play amongst the leaves. Have not spotted any tortoises recently, one of the other walkers told me the kids come and get them and who knows what happens to them then- such a pity.
Printed up some of this linocut on hand dyed fabric and it is for sale for $25 inclusive of postage. I only have one red one at present but need to dye some more fabric later this week. If you are interested in buying one let me know by emailing me and I can send you details.
Hi Dijanne,
Even though the cost of mailing the book will be ridiculous, as you say, I really do want it.
I live in California, how do I go about ordering one?
leilani bennett
PS: Your blog has inspired me for several years now. Thank you!
Hi Leilani. Could you email me on please
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