Journal Quilt Chassy Tower

In the year 2000 I did a studio residency at Chateau de Chassy, the residence of Frederique Tison. She kindly allowed me to work there and to take my family ( husband and three children for a 3 month period). I took an Exhibition of Australian quilts called Australian Bounty. Both experiences have been the start of a roller coast journey, which has had moments of wonder. Last European summer I went by Chassy to see Frederique and she was photographing friendship pieces , which had also been exhibited in 2000 for a book she is preparing of the friendship project( which drew many entries from around the world). She also photographed the quilts I had with me, and this Landscape quilt was one of them. Last year I created journal quilts for the Houston journal quilts project, and I focused the nine pieces I made on the experience of Chassy. The above quilt is actually the opposite tower to the one pictured with my quilt. The middle window was our kitchen window. Hard to believe as I sit in our weatherboard in Southern Victoria, that this has been a part of my life. I intend to work more with some of the ideas that I worked with in the journal project, once I have more time.
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