
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Coffee Pots and Heide

Last Sunday was my birthday and two of my daughters and I went to see the Louise Bourgeois Late Works being exhibited at Heide. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the work in the flesh rather than in books and loved the spider installation and some of the very late works where she had sewn pieces together , patchwork style from  her clothing which she had recycled in this way. There was also an exhibition of Albert Tuckers work from his European Years and  of Sidney Nolans' experimental works in the Reed's House. I would love to have a house and library like in that house- such lovely roomy yet not overly large  spaces. We walked around the kitchen garden and encountered these lovely sculpture above- I love the vignette viewed through the hole in the  matted reeds.
I also found a Sturts Desert pea in flower in the garden- I have never actually seen one flowering.
I have been working but things are going slowly. I am still working on the Paris  inspired Dufy scene- have made four transfer prints so far and am unhappy with all of them so have been working on a fourth and managed to spill some of the paint i was painting with- I did wipe it up quickly but I hope I wiped away enough colour for it not to print too strongly , otherwise I will have to start again!

And I have stitched a lutradur printed coffee pot linocut.I like. the way it turned out though I should have used a better background fabric ( the one I chose was int he same tones as the print) The coffee pot print ( without the stitching ) is available for purchase at $15AUS plus postage- the print measures 11 x 14 inches approx.


  1. Louise Bourgeois is one of my artist models so I'm jealous! This year (my final in the degree), I've decided to put digital images onto fabric and make 3D fabric sculptures with them - initially concentrating on depicting building buildings in the Christchurch earthquakes, seeing as my daughter was trapped in a high-rise for several hours. Lots of technical challenges! I often remember our trip to the Dufy exhibition, especially after 2 years of Art History (my best A+ subject!) - now at least I know something about art.

  2. Happy Birthday for last Sunday, glad you had a lovely day shared with daughters..
