
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Coloured 72 Ways


Thank you for allowing me to rant from time to time and your good wishes.

My book "72 Ways not to Stipple or Meander" is going to be published in French. I have been asked by the publishers to create a coloured version of the quilt- so I have chosen to use different coloured threads for each square. The background is a deep purple ( not bluish purple but more reddish) which allows my favourite coloured threads to really sparkle. The collage only shows two colours of thread I have used- yellow and orange- what amazes me as I look at the photos how the colour of the thread and the intensity of the stitching actually alters the colour fo the background fabric. I was aware thread had this effect but was surprised by how marked it was.It will be interesting to see the effect of other colours as well. I amim to have this doe by the end of the week so I cna send it to France.

Don't forget you can order the book or cd in English from me ( and I will retain the English rights) I have just had a frssh batch of books printed.
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  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Congratulations Dijanne! Your book is really a wonderful resource.

  2. Congrats Dijanne!

    I've been using a lot of contrasting thread colors lately and have been amazed the same way. It's great fun to play around and see what will happen.

  3. C'est magnifique! Well done! I only have the plain version on my copy though :-(
