
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Gum Leaves

Another quilt done. I was playing around with this one in December. It is discharged cotton velveteen and the leaves have been created with Lutradur- they are dimensional. I quilted the whole background piece before attaching the leaves. This is another instance where the camera does not catch dimensionality or texture. The velveteen acquired a very pleasing texture once quilted- all the light areas are echo quilted and it puckered a little like the creases on a Shitzu dog face ( is that what they are called?)

But I am running out of time- argghh why do I always think I can do so much?? My kids were just playing a Roy Orbison song from the Travelling Wilberries album ( or was it already CD by then??)- when I was much younger I lived in a house where we used to have "Big O" parties- they were such fun,I also have a big "0" birthday coming up in february and yet again I won't be home ( 50- shhh) - ummm the Big OPosted by Picasa


  1. Dijanne once again STUNNING they look so real those leaves...
    I am the same way think I can get so much done and I am sure we could if only we applied ourselves.... like not sleeping or something to that effect. :)
    Where will you be for your birthday?
    BTW we need itinerary and pics of all the quilts your taking. :) you know me miss nosey!


  2. Hi Dijanne. The best is yet to come. About 50 more years for all the creativity that you can do. You are still a child these days.

  3. I thought this was a photo of REAL leaves before I started reading the blurb. They are amazing!

  4. I'm crazy about this quilt, Dijanne. I'm a sucker for anything "texture-y" and this has a wonderful flow to the design as well. Yay you!

  5. lovely quilt! There is something about those eucalyptus leaves that makes one want to do dimensional leaves, isn't there?

  6. I can't stop looking at this piece - the dimesion shows up quite well on my screen, you did a fabulous job.
