
Friday, August 07, 2009

Colours of My Country

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I am realy happy- the quilt I made for Colours of My Country for the Concours at carrefour Europeen du Patchwork has been juried into the exhibition, so even if I am not at Ste Marie aux Mines this year at least one of my quilts will be! I will be interested to see what other work was entered , as the theme,which required you to use the colours of the flag of the country you had chosen was not easy.In the end I only used the colours of the Australian flag with a minor variation as I used variegated thread.I am still considering adding more hand stitching.

This is another little owl I have made for the fabric swatch book I am making- same colour lutradur background, but rubbed with green crayon-it looks so different to the owl in the previous post. Again big postcard size.

The meeting with Fiona Wright from Creative Arts Safaris was fun- it was a beautiful sunny day so we sat in the Botanic gardens and brainstormed and then went to tne NSW Art Gallery. Saw a couple of exhibitions one; Intensely Dutch, which showcased dutch art from the postwar years- not a single woman amongst the artists however.....which is very disappointing. I enjoyed seeing Corneille's work and also the artists books- where artists had combined with poets to create artists books. I also encountered the work of Judy Watson- in the indigenous section downstairs- this work was wonderful and thought provoking and I could not resist a book of her work entitled Blood Language.A Chapter of her book entitled Water has been produced as a pdf file by Miegunyah Press.

So with some creative fuel in the sails- I am set to continue my waterways series as a way of marrying memory culture and environment-and perhaps morphing that into a presence.

And please don't forget to go look at Creative Arts Safaris- Fiona and i will be leading a trip into the rich depths and layers of Syria and in particular its rich textile history which the last century has eroded at an alarming rate. Hopefully we will be inspiring you to create little memory pieces to create a true travellers book ,not merely of photos but of tangible tactile objects, whilst visiting some of the archeogical treasures of Syria. Then in August we will be doing another tour commencing at The Festival of Quilts in Birmingham going on to exploring the Arts & Craft Movement, by observation and exploration , visiting London and the Iconic Victoria and Albert Museum and the William Morris Museum, going onto the Venice of the North- Brughes ( Brugge) and exploring tis rich lace making history. onto Paris and the wonderful world of Qaui Branly and the Cluny and the stunning medieval Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries. If you are at all interested register your iterest at the Creative Arts Safaris website or come and join us!


  1. BIG enormous congratulations for Colours of My Country!!!!

  2. Congratulations ! And now I'm really looking forward to see it in France at St.Marie aux Mines :-))

  3. In case you hadn't heard of this one; about 20 miles from the NEC (40 minutes by car if the traffic on the M6 is ok) is Whitewick Manor (pronounced Wittick)and it's worth visiting if you're into Arts and Crafts.
