
Monday, July 20, 2009

Something I am working on


I have been working on a piece of charcoal coloured silk. I wasn't expecting to be working on it at all- but suddenly an idea arrived that I just had to do- fortunately I had just the piece of grey silk that I had dyed ages ago- I am thinking of the dark dark coloured waters of the creeks in summertime out the back of Jerilderie- and the dry dusty summers ..... It might be a companion to my flag piece.

I had some bad news the other day- we had hoped to stay in this house until January when we go to France- but unfortunately the landlord wants his house back as soon as possible after our lease expires- I think they will let us stay until my eldest daughter has finished exams mid November, but then we have two months of limbo. I am thinking hard about what I will do.All our furniture has to go into storage- lots of packing up to do! I also want to put my block of land on the market.

I haven't organised any workshops for January in Europe- but if we go earlier I do need to be earning money as we need to organise a car and various other things, and I haven't sold much work at all this year. I have been lucky that I had the books.

However we have found a home for our cat- so that is one worry out of the way, and she knows one of the people already- so that is even better.

Those of you who expressed intereste in the on-line linocutting course and left comments- please email me through my profile ..
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  1. The charcoal silk and circle quilting looks so understated and elegant together :-)

    BTW, your forest fabric and my quilted/embroidery/embellishment has been accepted into the show "Blurred Boundaries" at the Fabrications Retreat in Michigan this year!

    Good luck finding lodging. My fingers are crossed it all works out well.

  2. Oh Dijanne I feel for you. How disruptive. I do so hope it all works to your benefit in the end.

  3. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I would be interested in classes in France next year. When and where will you be posting details? When, where and what are you thinking of doing?

  4. Love this piece, Dijanne!! And the circles do add so much to the piece!! But all your works are WONDERFUL!

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